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my favourite building

every day i walk down ridgeway place, past the old establishment - the melbourne club, and my current favourite building in the whole word:

i liked it... and then this turned up.

then i positively loved it.

yesterday morning, i walked past and there was a couple of a well-dressed chaps with clipboards outside it. so i asked them what the building was: consulate for monaco. of course!

so, my favourite building is now officially the consulate of monaco in melbourne. there you go.

UPDATE: I found a great post on richard's blog here and some more info here. i also stole this pick from richard's blog. i hope he doesn't mind too much - it's a much better view than the crap one from my phone:

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At 15 February, 2008 08:24, Blogger Stanley Johnson said...

Walked past it a lunchtime yesterday. Very cool looking place. Thanx for clearing up the mystery.

At 15 February, 2008 08:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to see it tomorrow.

This is a fantastically simple example of how you can make something better by adding a very simple little thing - in this case giving a building some humour improves your appreciation of it a good deal.

At 15 February, 2008 13:37, Blogger lauren said...

happy to be of service stan :)

give me a buzz when you're in town CJ and we'll catch up for coffee and a lager... heh.

i think a bit of humour for a building is a fabulous thing. i don't know if it's really done all that often, but i fucking love it. i even showed my nanna and she giggled her arse off. literally.

At 15 February, 2008 15:38, Blogger Kirsty said...

That sign is awesome.

At 18 February, 2008 09:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren - I think I found your nanna's arse when I was down there - it had got snagged in a bush. Does she want it back ?

At 18 February, 2008 10:04, Blogger Richard said...

You varmint! Image thief! Beware your sins will find you out... it's only a small step from stealing jpegs to alcoholism, substance abuse and eating Krispy Kreme. Seriously, have the pic, and it's a cool building isn't it? Now we all need an excuse to go to the Monacan (?) consulate... visa anyone?

At 18 February, 2008 10:11, Blogger lauren said...

i'm sorry tom, but that must've been someone else's arse you found. my nanna is a lady and picked her arse up as soon as it fell off.

richard - just so you know, it actually goes krispy kreme, substance abuse, alcoholism, jpeg stealing. i know 'cos i've been there :)

seriously, it's a great building. visa application is a good idea.... hmmm...

At 21 February, 2008 16:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monaco is the world's most densely populated country and second-smallest independent nation; with a population of just 32,410 and an area of 1.96 square kilometres (485 acres), Monaco is the world's smallest French-speaking country.

At 22 February, 2008 13:39, Blogger lauren said...

erm.. thanks, er, wikipedia?

At 22 February, 2008 13:41, Blogger lauren said...

or should i say, mercí beaucoup, a bientôt!

At 05 March, 2008 04:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a factoid of interest: the building was designed by rockin' melbourne archi firm McBride Charles Ryan (MCR)

At 05 March, 2008 08:20, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ari, thanks for that. i thought i linked to an info file about the firm, the client, the yadda, yadda, yadda. obviously not. thanks for pickin' up my slack :)

At 17 April, 2008 17:28, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there,
I heard about this building and found your blog! So I decided to go there today and take some picures, of course 'cause of the sign!!!
Quite interesting that everybody who walked past asked me about the building!!! All ages!

Now the BAD NEWS:


Who has no sense of humour? The architect or the Monacans?

At 22 April, 2008 23:29, Blogger lauren said...

hi bianca,
welcome along. i was quite disappointed that the sign has been pilfered too! i don't know whether it's the monocans, or maybe even a member of the public who knicked it, but it's gone... bummer.
perhaps we should commission another sign :)

At 02 October, 2008 19:32, Blogger Lavovski said...

great building!


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